Tiles range from the inexpensive and practical to the outrageously luxurious options but no matter what your budget is, there are always ways to make it work without completely compromising your personal style for inexpensive materials. Bathroom remodeling is expensive as it is and if you have some plumbing and electrical issues to address along with retiling your entire bathroom, the costs can certainly be very steep. However, with the right design ideas combined with resourcefulness, you should still be able to design the bathroom you’ve always wanted. Below are some ideas for retiling bathrooms on a strict budget:
Accent Borders
Tiles carrying multiple colors and designs can be very expensive, especially those that are hand-painted. Generally speaking, solid colored tiles and white tiles are cheaper no matter what the material is compared to those that carry elaborate colors and designs. What you can do if you have your heart set on a particular tile design but can’t afford to cover every square foot of your bathroom walls with the tile you have in mind is to just use it as a border or accent piece against a more plain tile option. White tiles are a timeless and universal option that has worked in both traditional and contemporary bathrooms so all you need to do to spruce it up a bit is to choose an accent tile for your borders.
Focus on the Flooring
Bathroom floors are generally smaller than walls so if you want to add a bit of luxury into your bathroom tiles, focus on the floors instead of the walls. You don’t even have to cover your entire bathroom, as you can choose a different tile for the shower area and a different one for the rest of the bathroom. Look for tiles with a nice design and a great color and pair it up with a relatively inexpensive and neutral option. You can consult a bathroom remodeling professional if you’re not sure where to source out the materials.
Bathroom remodeling doesn’t always require luxurious materials. In fact, it’s more impressive when you’re able to create a beautiful bathroom even when you’re on a tight budget.