A kitchen shouldn’t be designed for only one person to use and enjoy, the whole family should be able to use and enjoy it. Creating a family-friendly kitchen isn’t as hard as you think and you don’t need as much space as you probably think you do. Cooking can be better enjoyed with the whole family so if your kitchen isn’t as family-friendly as you would like it to be, you might want to keep the following things in mind:
If you’re undergoing kitchen remodeling to make your kitchen more family-friendly, then the first aspect you should assess is your kitchen’s current layout. Does it allow for more than one person at a time to prep and cook meals? An L-shaped layout is perfect for this purpose, as you can move around freely without bumping into each other. A U-shaped kitchen is also a great idea especially if you want to add a meal counter where you can have breakfast or have your meals without taking it to the dining area.
Make sure that all your kitchen appliances are easily accessible. Perhaps the most frustrating part of not having enough space is the task of taking your appliances out of storage every time you need to use it. If you don’t have enough counterpace to fit most of your appliances, have a custom-cabinet built with sliding doors that you can simply open when you need to use your appliances. This is great for storing coffee makers, toasters, microwaves, and other smaller kitchen appliances while still keeping them within reach and ready to use.
When choosing kitchen flooring, choose a darker color instead of lighter shades. It’s easier to maintain darker floors, as they won’t get dirty as quickly as lighter floors would. This is especially useful if you get heavy foot traffic in your kitchen (i.e. people walking in and out of the kitchen). Consult your kitchen remodeling contractor for the best flooring option for your kitchen.
Before you undergo kitchen remodeling, make sure that you know exactly the kind of layout and materials you need to make your kitchen more family friendly, as this will save you time, money, and effort.