Take a look at some of the more impressive kitchen remodel projects in the construction magazines and construction websites online, and you are likely looking at the result of a long, complicated process with hundreds–and even thousands–of dollars sunk into it. Although it might seem that you wouldn’t get very far on your kitchen redesign without spending a hefty bundle of cash, there is actually a lot you can do with a fairly meager budget. Here are a few ideas.
Put some thought into the color and type of paint you will use. This can have a very dramatic or subtle effect on the appearance of your kitchen, and it is a fairly inexpensive way to produce a striking effect. Also be aware of how the color of the paint will affect the area painted as well as the immediate surroundings.
Think in terms of contrast. This applies to most every area of your kitchen as well as the items you place in it. A minimalistic approach might be what you are ultimately going for, but you might be surprised at how effectively a single accent or two can liven things up and tie everything together. A sparse, predominantly white kitchen might benefit considerably from a single colorful shelf for instance, just as a traditional wooden-tiled floor might be dressed up perfectly by an accent rug.
A good way to add some interest to an otherwise drab kitchen design is to place a single contrasting piece of furniture in a strategic location. Impressive results can be had by placing an antique corner table or vintage fixtures in a contemporary style kitchen. Such pieces will also help draw the eyes attention to key points in the room.
Let your taste be your guide when doing a kitchen remodel project. With a bit of creativity and a little restraint, you should be able to come up with some impressive results.