Bathroom renovations can be fairly complicated jobs, and things can easily get out of hand if you don’t have a lot of experience with them. While more complex jobs will require handling by a professional, you should be able to manage smaller and smaller renovation work on your own.
If you are planning to take on the job by yourself, it is especially important to be organized throughout every stage of the renovation. By making sure you have everything you need beforehand, you will be able to work much more efficiently and get the job done faster. Since you are doing the work yourself, there won’t be the added cost commonly incurred in delayed commercial bathroom renovations. However, the inconvenience that an unfinished bathroom will cause to you and your family makes a compelling reason to get the job done as soon as possible.
Making sure that you have everything you need beforehand–and this goes for tools as well as materials–will give you a lot more flexibility with regard to designing your bathroom and planning the layout. If you have to work on the plumbing fixtures behind the sink for example, you will be able to tackle it without having to tear up flooring or moving large furniture or appliances later on. Having all the necessary fixtures and furniture on hand will also allow you to deal with plumbing or electrical issues before you install larger furniture.
Choose furniture that complements the design you already have in mind. No matter how attractive an old bureau or dresser might be, you will have to go through considerable trouble to make it fit with an existing design if it just doesn’t blend in. Bathroom renovations can be complicated enough as it is without having to squeeze in design elements that just don’t go together, so make it easy on yourself and choose complementary pieces that already work with each other without requiring refinishing or reworking.