For example you will need to consider first the color scheme of your kitchen. Get white for instance and this will look spacious and clean as well as modern but it will be susceptible to getting messy and showing up grime. Likewise if you want to get a darker color then this will hide grime better but will also be more claustrophobic and feel less light and spacious.
Then you need to consider the countertops in your kitchen, and you need to think of the kitchen cabinets. The types of kitchen cabinets you get will affect lots of things – how much storage space you have for instance, how much wall space, where you keep your various crockery and supplies and how long they last.
Your countertops meanwhile will dictate how you rest on the side in the kitchen, where you prepare your food etc. It’s important to make sure that you consider ‘work zones’ around the kitchen where you can easily reach more than one countertop in order to prepare multiple things at once.