Before you undergo full apartment renovation or any kind of renovation work for your New York apartment, you should first make sure that you have the necessary requirements and work permits for renovation to push through. While not all home improvements require a permit, most major ones that entail changes to the layout and foundations of your apartment require approval from the New York Department of Buildings. If you’re unsure about which projects require a permit, you might want to take a look at the following list for reference:
Kitchen Remodeling
Most full apartment renovation projects include kitchen remodeling. If you’re having new kitchen fixtures and appliances installed, you will be required to secure a permit from the D.O.B first. This is because installation of additional fixtures such as kitchen sinks and faucets require changes to the plumbing in your kitchen and new appliances require changes to your apartment’s electrical lines. A permit is required in order to ensure that any changes or additions to your kitchen’s plumbing and electrical components abide by safety regulations and measures to avoid damages to the structure or potential accidents as a result of such improvements.
Bathroom Remodeling
Remodeling your bathroom also requires a work permit from the D.O.B especially if you’re adding fixtures that involve changes to the plumbing. Bath conversion also requires a work permit. However, if you’re only installing shelving or retiling your bathroom floors, a work permit is not required.
Window Installation
If you plan to have windows added to your New York apartment, you will most certainly be required to apply for a work permit to ensure that you do not make any exterior changes that are not allowed by the building association or the state of New York. The work permit is also required to ensure that you do not make any changes to foundations in the installation of new windows.
Wall Changes
If your full apartment renovation plan includes tearing down a wall or adding a new wall to create a division between spaces, you will be required to secure a permit along with submitting a blueprint of the plans. The permit must be checked and approved by a licensed architect or engineer to ensure that major foundations are not damaged in the process.