In these economically trying times, many people are having difficulty getting what they want. However, you can still enjoy a beautiful kitchen even if you have a very limited budget. You can pass by a good kitchen showroom to see some of the beautiful options for your own kitchen. While some of these remodeling ideas can costs thousands of dollars, there are still many options for people working with a budget of around 500 dollars.
Keep in mind that people spend a lot of time in their kitchens. This is the place where meals are prepared every day so it makes sense for you to turn your kitchen into a functional yet aesthetically pleasing area. If you are working on a tight budget, then focus on a few key areas that you can remodel. This includes your countertops and your cabinets. These two elements alone can help turn your kitchen into a whole new area.
Remodeling your Countertops
You don’t have to replace your countertops to give it a makeover. These days, you can use new coating systems that allow you to change the way your countertop looks without the need to replace them. The first thing you should do is to visit a good kitchen showroom to look at countertops that tickle your fancy. Once you have a look in mind, check out the available coating systems and find a finish that closely resembles the countertops you’ve just checked out. These coating systems are available for around 250 dollars.
Have your Cabinets Repainted
If you want to give your cabinets a fresh new look, sometimes all it takes is a few coats of new paint. Find good paint colors that you would like for your cabinets. Once you have made your choice, you can ask for samples so you can try them on a few test surfaces in your kitchen. For best results, hire a contractor to do the painting for you. While this may cost you a few extra dollars, having a professionally done paint job is well worth the extra cost.
Visit KBR ‘s NYC kitchen showroom at 250 Fifth Avenue, suite 200 New York, NY to get some ideas for your kitchen renovation.