Regardless if they are doing a huge or simple renovation, homeowners always have to think through a lot of considerations before they can start remodeling their homes. Most of these considerations revolve around things like costs of materials and manpower, credibility of contractors, as well as the modifications their homes need. Renovating in a high-end city like New York however, can make the project more complicated. Cost considerations for an NYC renovation become more crucial as rates can go extremely higher in NYC. However, whether for an NYC renovation or not, homeowners often forget to ask themselves one of the most important questions in remodeling: where are they going to stay while construction is ongoing? This is one thing a lot of homeowners have to deal with right before they start renovating, when this is actually a consideration they need to prepare for as early as possible. Hence, if you are planning on an apartment makeover in NYC soon, here are some things you need to consider first before deciding on whether or not to stay during the renovation:
- Scope and purpose – Ask yourself what the renovation is for in the first place. Are you going to renovate the bedroom and the kitchen at the same time? You need to know whether or not the most vital parts of the apartment will be unavailable or non-functional during the renovation. If all bedrooms and the kitchen will not be able to serve during that time, might as well consider to rent a place while the renovation is ongoing.
- Children and pets – If you have children or pets, or both, this is going to be an important consideration. Children and pets will naturally be curious and fascinated by all the construction works going on, and they will naturally want to fiddle. This can easily distract your builders; so unless your children and your pets are all amazingly behaved, you can opt to stay in. Otherwise, might as well keep them away and let the builders focus on finishing your house on time.
- Temporary kitchen – As you know, it is important while renovations are ongoing we still have a operational kitchen that will feed us and the rest of the family. If your counters and cooking equipment will be unavailable during this time, consider making temporary fixtures that will allow you to prepare food at home. However, if this will be difficult and hazardous, you will definitely need to find somewhere else to stay until the builders finish.
It can be too much of a hassle finding a place to stay right before renovation starts in your house. So in as much you can, try to decide on this early on in the planning process. This is so you can appropriately prepare the other members of the family for temporarily moving out. Hence, do not make that renovation a hassle for you and your family. Deliberate on whether it is necessary to move out or not, whether you have the money to rent some space or not, and then decide accordingly so you can make this renovation as stress-free as possible.