Majority of NYC bathroom remodeling experts would agree that ceramic tile is one of the best quality flooring options available today. Not only is ceramic pretty to look upon, it is also a flexible material that is ideal for all parts of the bathroom like the walls, floors, ceilings, and backsplashes.
Ceramic also has plenty of benefits such as its durability and eco-friendly qualities. Ceramic also reduces common household allergens and keeps your bathroom a low maintenance area as it is so easy to clean.
Ceramic tiles have the most options available when it comes to size, color, design, textures, and functionality when compared with other commonly used bathroom material. The following will be more examples of the the advantages of ceramic:
Safety should be a primary concern in your bathroom remodeling project. The bathroom is one of the most accident prone areas in your home. Be sure to choose ceramic that has been treated to prevent slippage. Tiles that have a unique texture, like those with a lemon peel style finish, are ideal for bathrooms.
Resists moisture
When ceramic tiles are installed correctly, moisture will not be able to seep through. But you should still prevent water from pooling too long in one area just to be doubly sure.
There are actually different classes of durability for ceramic tiles. Some tiles are made for heavily trafficked areas like the guest half-bath. These stronger tiles are known as class 3 or class 4 tiles. These have a much longer lifespan than regular tiles and will have better resistance to scratching as well.
These are just a few examples of the advantages of ceramic tiles. The aforementioned benefits along with easy maintenance, easy installation, and numerous options make ceramic tile an obvious choice for most bathroom remodeling projects.
Visit for free consultation advice from accredited NYC bathroom remodeling experts and get a free estimate for your renovation.