Paint color is one of the most important aspects of bathroom remodeling, as your color scheme can make or break the entire project. Your mood and your bathroom’s ambience is highly influenced by color and lighting, which is why picking a color scheme should require due consideration. While picking the right color for your bathroom can be overwhelming, it doesn’t mean you should just stick to plain white either. There are so many possibilities when it comes to color schemes; you just have to look at the potential of your space and what you really want. Below are some points to consider when working with color especially in your bathroom:
Don’t Be Afraid to Go Bright
Yellow and orange are fun and happy colors especially if you stick to the brighter shades. However, if you’re not too keen on the idea of a solid bright orange or yellow bathroom, then focus on using the color on accents. You can paint one side of your walls a bright color and choose a more muted color for the rest of the walls. If you want something less bold, go for pastel yellow, as it is a happy color without being too overwhelming. If your taste is more rustic, then a darker orange might be better suited for you.
Cool Hues are Great for Relaxation
Blue and green are both cool colors. Blue is a popular option for bathrooms, as it is reminiscent of water. Green is also a great option for bathrooms, as the color is easy on the eyes and is very relaxing. Mixing green with wooden accents can add a nice, natural touch to any bathroom.
Remember the 60-30-10 rule
When coming up with a color scheme during your bathroom remodeling project, remember the 60-30-10 rule. 60% should be the dominant color (e.g. the color you paint your walls), 30% is the secondary color (e.g. borders, upholstery, cabinetry), and 10% is the accent color (e.g. small accessories like vases, flower arrangements, and other accent pieces).
Keeping these things in mind during your bathroom remodeling project should make it easier for you to come up with a color scheme that you will be happy to keep for a long time.